Phytopharmacognostic investigation of Microdesmis puberula HOOK F. EX. PLANCH (PANDACEAE)
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Background: The stem bark, root and leaf of Microdesmis puberula Hook. F. ex. Planch (Pandaceae) is used to treat stomach ache, burns, circumcision wounds, abscesses and sores from gonorrhea. This study aimed at evaluating the pharmacognostic features of the leaf and stem of M. puberula using quality control parameters. Leaves and stems were collected, air-dried, pulverized and stored in a clean glass container.
Methods: Methods used were microscopy, micromeritic properties, chemomicroscopy, moisture content, ash values, extractive values and fluorescence analysis using standard procedures.
Results: Microscopic features as irregular epidermal cell shape and undulate anticlinal wall pattern were recorded on both surfaces. Hypostomatic distribution of stomata with anomocytic and anisocytic stomata as well as stomatal index of 15.1 % on the abaxial surface were recorded. The stem powder had a better flow rate than the leaf powder. Chemomicroscopy revealed the presence of cellulose, mucilage, oil and starch grain in both leaf and stem. Moisture contents, total ash values, acid-insoluble ash values and water-soluble ash values for the leaf and stem were (89.3 and 87.6 % w/w), (5.41 and 2.41 % w/w), (1.92 ± 0.00 % w/w) , (0.83 ± 0.00 % w/w ), (1.17 ± 0.00% w/w) and (0.42 ± 0.00 % w/w ) respectively. Water had the highest solubility (3.75 %) of the leaf constituent in water.
Conclusion: These findings offer a foundational pharmacognostic profile for M. puberula, supporting its traditional uses and enabling future quality control, medicinal standardization, identification and authentication.
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