Pharmacognostic Studies of Petiveria alliaceae L. (Phytolaccaceae)
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Background: Petiveria alliacea, a member of the Phytolaccaceae family, is known for its garlic-like odor and medicinal properties, including anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, immunomodulatory, anticancer, and analgesic activities. This study aimed to establish quality control parameters for the leaves of P. alliacea.
Methods: Standard procedures were used for microscopy, micrometry, chemomicroscopy, moisture content, ash values, extractive values, fluorescence, and phytochemical analyses.
Results: The leaf exhibited amphistomatic stomatal distribution with anisocytic and anomocytic types. Stomatal indices were 16.5% (abaxial) and 2.9% (adaxial). Micromeritic analysis showed good flow properties, with a bulk density of 0.25±0.006 and an angle of repose of 30.60°. Chemomicroscopy identified mucilage, lignin, starch, oil, and cellulose, while fluorescence analysis revealed solvent-dependent color variations. Extractive values for water, methanol, and ethanol were 12.7%w/w, 8.3%w/w, and 8.0%w/w, respectively. Moisture content was 18.3%w/w. Ash values (total, acid-insoluble, and water-soluble) were 17.4%w/w, 1.33%w/w, and 5.33%w/w, respectively. GC-MS analysis identified nine phytochemicals, with prominent components including Eicosane, 10-butyl-10-propyl- (23.596%), Isophytol (13.509%), Pentyn-4-one (12.253%) and Hexadecanoic acid (10.178%), known for pharmacological activity.
Conclusion: These findings support the identification and authentication of P. alliacea, establishing standards for quality, purity, safety, and efficacy in phytomedicine.
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