Physicochemical Characterization of a Co-Processed Excipient (Gelactomucin) With Cellactose and Alpha-Anhydrous Lactose

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Mohammed, Blessing Boma
Yonni Eshovo Apeji


Excipients in recent times have been conferred with improved functionalities through chemical, physical modification and co-processing. This study was aimed at preparing Gelactomucin, a co-processed excipient using co-fusion method, and evaluating its physico-chemical properties comparatively with Cellactose – 80 and Alpha-anhydrous lactose. The parameters investigated were swelling capacity, loss on drying, moisture content, bulk and tapped densities, angle of repose and true density. The results obtained for the co-processed excipient were swelling capacity 104 %, loss on drying 1.7% and angle of repose 250. Cellactose-80 recorded 128 %, 1.4 %, 19 O for swelling capacity, loss on drying and angle of repose respectively. The comparison showed that Gelactomucin could compete favourably with the reference excipients.


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Boma, M. B. ., & Apeji, Y. E. (2020). Physicochemical Characterization of a Co-Processed Excipient (Gelactomucin) With Cellactose and Alpha-Anhydrous Lactose. Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Science Research, 7(1), 56–61. Consulté à l’adresse
Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Mohammed, Blessing Boma

Department of Pharmaceutics and Pharm. Microbiology, Kaduna State University, Kaduna.

Yonni Eshovo Apeji

Department of Pharmaceutics and Pharm. Microbiology, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.


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