Photomicrographic report on filamentation and sporulation in Byssochlamys nivea westling, a fungal contaminant of bottled Raphia Palmwine

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Esiegbuya Daniel Oforitse
Okungbowa Francisca Iziegbe


Growth and sporulation studies were investigated in B. nivea obtained from the Plant Pathology Division of the Nigerian Institute for Oil Palm Research (NIFOR) where it was originally isolated from pasteurized raphia palm wine. Potato Dextrose Agar and Broth cultures were incubated at room temperature (26 ±2oC) for 15 days during which morphological changes in the solid cultures were observed daily under a microscope fitted with a Motic Digital Camera, using the cover-slip method. Photomicrographs were taken. Liquid cultures were autoclaved at various temperatures. Streaked plates of the autoclaved cultures were observed for fungal growth. For the solid cultures, single filaments of B. nivea were seen after two days, while septation began on the third day. Profuse filamentation on the eighth day was followed by formation of conidia in chains (pseudohyphae). Chlamydospores were formed terminally on the profusely branched filaments on the tenth day while ascospores appeared from day 12-15. In addition, clusters of asci were present. Growth of autoclaved cultures decreased with increase in temperature. There was no growth at 80oC. Although a simple study, this is the first documented report on sequential growth and sporulation studies in B. nivea, a major contaminant of most processed drinks and juices.


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NIJOPHASR, Oforitse, E. . D. . ., & Iziegbe, O. . F. . . (2020). Photomicrographic report on filamentation and sporulation in Byssochlamys nivea westling, a fungal contaminant of bottled Raphia Palmwine . Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Science Research, 1(2). Consulté à l’adresse
Biographie de l'auteur-e

Esiegbuya Daniel Oforitse

Department of Plant Biology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Benin


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