Extraction and Characterization of Cola Millenii K. Schum (Monkey Cola) Seed Oil: Optimization Using Full Factorial Design of Experiment
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Plant seed oils are vital sources of oil of nutritional, pharmaceutical and industrial importance. Presently the quest for plant seed oils has increased greatly due to the diverse application of these oils. Hence the need for low-cost oil seed crop to produce inexpensive oils to meet these needs. This work focuses on the solvent extraction of oil from Cola millenii seeds. The extraction process was optimized using a 2-level full factorial design of experiment in terms of oil yield to determine the optimum extraction conditions. Based on the design, 8 experiments were carried out with three varying parameters: solvent volume, extraction time and sample weight. A first order regression equation best fits the experimental data. The predicted values calculated by the regression model were in good agreement with the experimental values. From our results, the condition for obtaining the optimum yield (2.71%) of the seed oil was attained when 50.00 g of the pulverized seed sample was extracted with 200.00 cm3 n-hexane for 60 minutes. The oil has peroxide value 35.00meqKOH/g, acid value 32.00mgKOH/g, iodine value 96.57gI2/100g and FFA 16.09%. These values obtained were in agreement with the values reported for oils which find use in the cosmetics and paint industries.
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