The Knowledge and Attitude of Pharmacists to Patients’ Antibacterial Counselling in Government-owned Secondary Healthcare Institutions in Ogun State Nigeria
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Irrational antibacterial use with its attendant consequences has been reported worldwide. In Nigeria, evidenced-based 1study to ascertain pharmacists’ knowledge and attitude to antibacterial counselling is scarce. This study evaluated pharmacists’ knowledge of antibacterial therapy and counselling. It was a cross-sectional study among 51 pharmacists with the responsibility of patients’ medication counselling at the outpatient department of government-owned healthcare institutions of Ogun State of Nigeria. Pharmacists’ knowledge and attitude to antibacterial counselling was determined through structured questionnaire. The survey revealed that 18(35.3%) of the pharmacists were of the opinion that antibacterial drug(s) that may have their absorption hindered by food should be best used within a specific time frame to meal. Twenty-one (41.2%) of the pharmacists believed that antibacterial resistance may be prevented by taking antibacterial medication at regular intervals. Only 25(49.0%) accepted that patients’ knowledge of counselling guide on antibacterial use can be enhanced by clearly written instruction. The pharmacists’ mean knowledge scores of antibacterial therapy and counselling skill were 3.0 ± 1.4 and 5.6 ±2.1 respectively while the mean attitudinal score was 6.4 ± 0.8.The pharmacists demonstrated poor antibacterial therapy knowledge but positive attitude to antibacterial counselling. Regular update of antibacterial therapy knowledge is hereby recommended.
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